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“Learning All the Basics ” taught at the Patricia Reno Huff 

For Beginning Artists

$200 for 4 lessons, 3 hours each, $50 per lesson

Deconstructing Composition looks at how artists have composed their paintings and how to use these tools in your own painting. Are you just copying photos or painting an artwork that says something unique about your art voice? This class will help you understand how to achieve your own vision in your artwork.





“Painting With the Elements” class will focus on using different elements in our paintings. By using the elements individually and grouped together, our paintings can have a whole new look. We will single out the Elements to better understand how they can help
our paintings.


Classes are $50 for 3 hours each week.


Call Pat Huff 404-245-5766 and leave a message about class you are interested in or email to and include CLASSES IN THE SUBJECT LINE.






$200 for 4 lessons, 3 hours each, $50 per lesson

“ADVANCED OIL PAINTING” The class will work with different subject matter of your choice looking at improving your proficiency and knowledge in each type of subject. Your resource photos will be used. The class also helps you to try some subjects you have not painted.


Four classes are $200, 3 hours each, $50 per class.





“Using Glazing” to add a new dimension to your paintings. The How’s and When’s to give your artwork a “see through” look in appropriate places in our paintings, or to change up our temperture in your paintings. You will need to bring to class paintings to work on that are completely dry.

Call Pat Huff 404-245-5766 and leave message about the class you are interested in or email and include CLASSES IN THE SUBJECT LINE.



$200 for 4 lessons, 3 hours each, $50 per lesson

“INTERMEDIATE OIL PAINTING” We will be “Looking at Brushstrokes” to develop our brushstroke technique. We will also look at how our work looks using different substrate or surfaces. Different artists will be studied and their brushstrokes practiced on small divided different surfaces. Then you can practice on your own resource material with different brushstrokes. This class truly develops your brush technique and understanding of surface materials.



“Working on Shadows” class will take different subjects and work on the basics of Shadows. The problem of making all shadows look like black holes creeps into our paintings. How to see all the attributes of shadows to add dimension and interest to your paintings.


Call Pat Huff 404-245-5766 and leave a message about class you are interested in or email and include CLASSES IN THE SUBJECT LINE.


These are a sample of classes that have been offered.  There

are other topics that are taught.  


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